
Latest news from the hospitality industry, digital learning arena and what's new at CPL Learning

wellbeing in retail

Wellbeing in Retail

We take a look at some of the ways team members might have been affected, how to support them now and in the future and how looking after your teams’ wellbeing will have a positive effect on your business.

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Preparing for lockdown

Reopening Planning in Lockdown: What Did We Learn from Last Time?

Hospitality businesses have been pushed to their limits this year and with the second national lockdown looming, there is obviously growing concern about what that will mean for the UK’s third-largest employer and the thousands of business owners and team members affected. What we did see during the last lockdown was an amazing sense of resourcefulness, resilience, and support within the sector. This time we are better prepared and more informed to support operators and their teams in maximising this time and emerge from this lockdown in a strong position to face to the future. Read on to find out what happened last time and what you can do to support your teams and the sector through the second lockdown.

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Text: Supporting the Sector

Supporting the Sector: What Challenges Did Lockdown bring?

We have been humbled and proud to be part of the hospitality sector during these challenging few months of lockdown. The road ahead isn’t fully clear, venues are operating at a lower capacity than normal or may not have reopened at all, operations have changed, the public may be feeling nervous about returning to normal.

Here at CPL Learning, we knew we needed to play our part in supporting the sector. Here, we’ll look at some of the challenges, the solutions and what we’ve learnt for the future and how learning and development will look as we enter the new normal.

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UKH Pathway e-learning platform for hospitality workers launched

New e-Learning Platform for Hospitality Workers Launched

This week, UKHospitality and CPL Learning launch a new online training platform for hospitality team members. UKH Pathway is free to use while hospitality businesses remain closed due to the COVID-19 crisis and provides access to learning, well-being and personal development resources for furloughed team members.

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free online courses for hospitality

Free e-Learning Courses to Support Teams in Hospitality Sector

Following the launch of the free Coronavirus – Taking Proactive Action online course last week, CPL Learning has decided to offer free access to their Mental Health Support Champion and Personal Resilience e-learning courses. CPL Learning has decided to make the change to support team members in the hospitality sector deal with the challenges they are currently facing.

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LGBT employees in restaurant

CPL’s LGBT Awareness Course Just Launched

CPL’s LGBT Awareness e-learning course has just been launched to help reduce stigma within the workplace and enable people to be comfortable in their working environment. Developed in conjunction with the LGBT community, the course will educate learners on cultural competence, the potential workplace challenges for LGBT and minority employees as well as becoming familiar with LGBT terminology and definitions.

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Chef in kitchen smiling

New Personal Resilience Course Launched

CPL Online are delighted to announce the launch of our new Personal Resilience course which has been created specifically to help with the various pressures that come from working in the hospitality industry. It provides hints, tips and exercises that will help people “bounce back” and recover if stress levels are at breaking point.

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Mental Health in Hospitality

In line with recent concerns regarding mental health difficulties among individuals working in the Hospitality Industry, CPL Online recently developed and carried out research into this area to gain insight and data on how prevalent this is.

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