Reopening following lockdown – Manager - Ready to Serve
Free of Charge
To support you and the wider hospitality sector we’ve made this course free for everyone. But we’d like to do more. So, the money you’ve saved on this course why not ‘chip in’ and buy a portion of guilt-free Hospitality Action Invisible Chips.
This free short course was developed to allow those in a management or supervisory role to understand the actions and responsibilities they have in ensuring their site and teams are ready to serve customers once again.
To date, the course has been allocated over 25,000 times to managers across the UK. The content in this course is pertinent to all managers, business owners and those in a position of responsibility within a venue and provides a comprehensive overview of the key areas of consideration for reopening. If you haven’t taken our Ready to Serve Manager course yet and are currently planning to reopen, or are reopening for first time, this course will be particularly relevant to you.
Depending on the type of site you are operating and your role as an employed manager or business owner, you will need to focus on the business objectives to provide customers with excellent service, whilst operating safely and profitably. Avoiding any potential risks that could arise following the adaptation of your business procedures due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The free Ready to Serve Manager course supports users in the managing of the operation and teams including, following safe working practices within a practical framework. The course aims to support and guide users on a step-by-step approach to reopening their operation safely.
The course topics include operational segments in Risk Assessment, Team Safety and Protection, Social Distance, heightened hygiene requirements and more.
There are 10 PDF downloads within the course, and we have also produced a handbook covering the key topics and checklists for managers, containing a mixture of operational and preparation checks.
The CPL Learning Ready to Serve programme is supported by hospitality trade bodies UKHospitality, BII and Institute of Hospitality.
Topics Covered will include...
- Maximise the safety and protection of your team and guests
- Complete a risk assessment that will be a requirement of your re-opening
- Social distance to meet the latest government requirements
- Enhance cleaning and hygienic practices throughout the business
- Educate and communicate with team members and guests
- Develop your business proposition to meet the needs of your risk assessment and the restrictions currently being faced
- Use effective signage, operational guidance and communication to educate guests and increase confidence in order to encourage safety and handwashing

NOW AVAILABLE: Team Member - Ready to Serve
The Team Member Ready to Serve learning programme has been carefully crafted to provide your team members with the knowledge and skills required to ensure a safe and effective return to work. Covering the key compliance procedures and measures, your team members will be COVID secure upon completion.
Duration: 45 minutes
Valid: Up to 1 year after purchase.
Assessment: There is no formal end assessment for this course. As this is a guidance piece, the course contains no quiz questions.
Endorsement: Institute of hospitality and BII

Want to find out more? Get in touch
If you’d like to find out more and how we can help you and your team be ready to serve get in touch today.