To complete the BII PEAT (Pre-Entry Awareness Training) course, click sign up.
£100.00 + VAT
The BII Pre-Entry Awareness Training (PEAT) e-Learning course has been designed for prospective tenants/lessees who are considering signing a pub tenancy or lease agreement in England and Wales.
Taking this course will give learners the knowledge they need to evaluate the agreement they are considering, prepare for an interview and subsequent meetings with their chosen pub company and identify both the questions they need to ask and the professional advice they need to seek to enable them to make informed commercial decisions.
For those considering entering into a pub lease or tenancy agreement for a pub in Scotland, the BII Pre-Entry Awareness Training (PEAT) Scotland is available.
You can sign up to complete the BII PEAT (Pre-Entry Awareness Training) course at bii.org
You will be able to...
- Summarise the skills and traits needed to successfully run a pub
- Identify the six different types of pub and the types of ownership in England & Wales
- Recognise the types of agreement that can be offered and seek the correct professional advice to understand them before signing
- State what is meant by the ‘tie’, how this may impact your business plan and the penalties of breach of agreement
- State what is meant by Premises Licence and Personal Licence, and who should hold these
- Outline tenants’ responsibilities with regards to the pub premises including fixtures and fittings, health and safety, and business rates
- Confidently discuss and negotiate rent amounts and rent reviews, and seek appropriate advice to make an informed decision
- Outline the contents of a business plan and ensure your business plan is sustainable
- Ascertain and utilise the support offered by the pub company including training, promotional materials and business management advice
- Indicate appropriate training, planning and preparation that may be required upon completion of this course
To complete the BII PEAT (Pre-Entry Awareness Training) course, click sign up.