Drinkaware Alcohol Vulnerability: For Festivals and Events
£20.00 + VAT
The purpose of this course is to raise awareness among all members of staff of the vulnerability issues associated with customer alcohol consumption at festivals and large events.
By completing this course staff will not only have a better understanding of these issues but will also gain knowledge of the steps to take to support vulnerable people they encounter in their role.
This course was designed by Drinkaware, an independent UK-wide, alcohol education charity with the objective of positively changing public behaviour and the national drinking culture.
You will be able to...
- State the possible outcomes of customers drinking to excess at a festival or event
- Determine which customers have a higher risk of vulnerability and which situations can increase this risk
- Identify your venues ‘hot spots’ and ‘safe havens’
- State examples of harassment, understanding the difference between flirting and sexual harassment
- Respond appropriately to reported harassment and recognise potential predatory behaviour
- Identify situations in which you might be expected to intervene and follow the recommended steps to intervene safely
- Recognise situations when security, first aid or the welfare team should be called
- Follow the correct procedures for dealing with common scenarios involving vulnerable customers, such as a customer who is alone or who has fallen asleep in the sun
Duration: 35 minutes.
Valid: Up to 1 year after purchase.
Assessment: Upon completion of the course, learners will complete an end of learning assessment consisting of 20 questions. 70% of the questions will need to be answered correctly in order to pass and receive a certificate.
Endorsement(s): BIIAB.