Drinkaware Alcohol Vulnerability Awareness

£20.00 + VAT


The purpose of this course is to raise awareness among all members of staff of the vulnerability issues associated with customer alcohol consumption in pubs, clubs and bars. It also provides guidance on what staff can do to support vulnerable people as part of their role.

This course was designed by Drinkaware, an independent, UK-wide, alcohol education charity with the objective of positively changing public behaviour and the national drinking culture.

You will be able to...

  • State the possible outcomes of binge drinking and explain why it is important to protect vulnerable people
  • Recognise the effects of alcohol on behaviour
  • Determine which customers have a higher risk of vulnerability and which situations can increase this risk
  • Identify your venues ‘hot spots’ and ‘safe havens’
  • State examples of harassment, understanding the difference between flirting and sexual harassment
  • Respond appropriately to reported harassment 
  • Recognise situations when security or first aid should be called
  • Deal appropriately with aggressive customers and underage customers
  • Follow the correct procedures for helping a customer who has fallen asleep on the premises or who is alone

Duration: 30 minutes.

Valid:  Up to 1 year after purchase.

Assessment: Upon completion of the course, learners will complete an end of learning assessment consisting of 20 questions. 70% of the questions will need to be answered correctly in order to pass and receive a certificate.

Endorsement(s):  BIIAB.